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LigoDLB 5-20 ac 500+ Mbps mid-range wireless device


500+ Mbps mid-range wireless device

500+ Mbps throughput - a result of powerful hardware platform with 802.11ac technology based radio and a proprietary data transmission protocol (iPoll). Incorporating a QCA 9563 CPU (750 MHz), a QCA 9882 radio and 64 MBytes of RAM and 16 MBytes of ash memory the, LigoDLB 5-20 ac series devices are an ideal solution for capacity demanding applications. State of the art RF design with great output power and sensitivity parameters improve range and capacity over the highest modulation - 256 QAM. The 24V Gigabit Ethernet port (passive PoE) allows utilizing the full capacity of the radio when used in a point-to-point or point-to-multipoint network design. LigoDLB ac series devices are backwards compatible with LigoDLB devices using iPoll mode, which helps to expand or upgrade existing networks using the latest technologies over time.

Small form factor

The shape of the enclosure is now smaller, lighter but retains the IP-66 weather protection rating. Smaller packaging reduces freight costs and makes them less obvious. The new design has no metal parts, which makes them lighter and corrosion resistant.

Innovative mounting bracket

The adjustable mounting bracket is very easy to assemble and install. It consists of two easy to connect parts that allow tilting the device up and down when installing on a pole.
3 kV line to ground and 1 kV line-to-line protection allows operating in a harsh weather conditions and unstable electrical installations.

Operating system

New operating system includes all the essential features for point-to-multipoint networks. User interface is built using HTML 5 technology with responsive design. Among the new features there are IPv6 bridge and router support, SSDP and Bonjour device discovery options, flexible traffic shaping and SSTP client.

Hotspot scenario support

Starting from v7.52 Infinity firmware image can be used on a LigoDLB series devices for the outdoor hotspot and other related applications. After the firmware upgrade DLB devices are converted into access points for outdoor hotspot networks and will lose the functionality of point-to-point or point-to-multipoint connectivity.
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LigoWave‘s link calculator is a link planning tool available online at http://www.ligowave.com/linkcalc
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